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Investor Relations for China  1st Conference in Europe 2004
18 November 2004  19 November 2004
in London
Preliminary Agenda
This is a conference organized by or

China is coming!

The changing global landscape opens a new era for chinese companies and their partners worldwide. Chinese companies present themselves for the first time in Europe. Substantial progress has been achieved in new technologies, economies and new markets and the future process is expected to increase in China. Today China counts for more than 60% of all investments in Asia.

Attracting international partners and capital for Greater China and their companies on stock markets and private companies. For more and more international companies, the chinese market is the biggest and fastest growing market with a high profit potential.

Investors, companies, organisations and sponsors are invited to attend this unique conference and participate in the China markets. Participants will get a summary of the markets and can buy a portfolio for a special price after request. We also offer a Chinese Investor Guide.

1st day 18.11.2004
8:30                 Registration
9:00-9:10          Welcom and opening remarks
                      China and Worldwide: A global perspective and Chinas benchmark / The national key technology
                      programs of China and the new five-year plan

9:10-10:05Session 1:
                      Chances and risks for investment in stock market companies and IPOs in China  2004-2006-2010 
                      Rule for Foreign Investments and Investors
                      3 Speakers: (15 minutes each speaker)
                      -Legal systems/Law for foreign enterprise
                      -WTO entry and impact, gaint steps and problems?
                      -Market transparency and regulations. What is a good company in China?

10:05-10:20      Coffe & Tea Service
10:20-11:15      Session 2:
                      How to build successful Investment-Portfolios in China 2004-2006-2010 on and off stock markets
                      3 Speakers: (15 minutes each speaker)
                      -the concept of Investment-Portfolios in China
                      -the control and legal systems
                      -the culture difference
                      -A & B shares
                      -Getting rich in China?
11:15-12:10      Session 3:
                      The state and development of privat and public companies in China
                      3 Speakers: (15 minutes each speaker)
                      -Tax laws
                      -Labor laws
                      -Profit repatriation
                      -Expected regulations
                      -Restricted and prohibiting foreign investment
12:10-13:05      Session 4:
                      The markets and development 2004-2006-2010
                      China and China´s portfolio in the world markets
                      3 Speakers: (15 minutes each speaker)
                      -Life science, Pharmaceutical, Food, Health
                      -IT, Internet, Media, Communication
                      -Environment and Energy
                      -New technology: Biotech, Medtech, Nanotech and Infotech
                      -The ten areas favorable for foreign investors in China
13:05-14:00      Lunch
14:00-16:30      Company Presentations
                      companies present for following sectors in separat rooms, 20 minutes for each company
                      -Sector 1: Life Sciences
                      -Sector 2: Information Technology
                      -Sector 3: New Technologies
                      -Sector 4: Environment & Energy
16:30-16:45      Coffee & Tea Service
16:45-19:15      Company Presentations
                      companies present for following sectors in separat rooms, 20 minutes for each company
                      -Sector 1: Life Sciences
                      -Sector 2: Information Technology
                      -Sector 3: New Technologies
                      -Sector 4: Environment & Energy
2nd day 19.11.2004
9:00-14:00       Company presentations
14:00              Close of conference

Special Workshop
for Property 10:00-12:30
Property Investment in China  a workshop with experts

Properties developers expect the market to grow by 15% per year. There is a need of foreign capital. The return on investments is very attractive and can reach between 15% and 80% (best practice).

For foreign investors there are special rules and laws. Attend this workshop for successful investment.


Investor Relations for China  1st Conference in Europe 2004
18 November 2003  19 November 2004
in London
For the purpose of organising and coordinating, we request you kindly to give us a reply before 19 Sept 2004.
Please fill out the registration form and send it to:

Helmut Kaiser Consultancy ( or )
Sigwartstr. 20
D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany
Tel: 0049-7071-67001
Fax: 0049-7071-68086
Contact person in China: Cynthia Chen, mobil: 013901058849

Registration form

Name:     ____________________________Tel:       ____________________________
Job Title: ____________________________Fax:      ____________________________
Company:       ____________________________Mobil:           ____________________________
Address:         ____________________________Email:           ____________________________
             ____________________________Homepage:    ____________________________

Participation fee:
  850 US$  Including conference handbooks and market summaries
  30% Discount for the early registration before 30.06.2004
  number of attendees: _______

  We want to present our company on conference. Please contatct us.
  We want to order
                       Conference handbook without attendence  650US$
                       Market summaries for China    250US$
                       The stock market companies in China.
                              More than 2000 listed companies    600US$
                       China Investor Guide  (500 pages) 250US$
                       Optimized starting portfolio of China companies, from 5000US$ up
  mediate payment of 50% and 50% by the beginning of September.
  We cannot attend the conference, but we have a project, please contact
  Mr./Mrs.___________________  Tel:_________________
Summary Regarding China's Growth Markets.
can be ordered now!
Your China Business
Your address in Beijing from 150 $ per month

Your company/repr. from 200 $ per month

We establish your company from 3000 $

Furrther services:
Market research
Legal service
Tax service
Recruitment service
Business service
China Stock-
market Service
We build your portfolio from 50,000 US$

We open your bank account with your address in Beijing

Further services:
Risk studies
Portfolio management
for more, please click
for more, please click
more related sites aboout China market
Specialists, Executives, Management