Welcome to Green Jobs Worldwide
HKC22.COM is a leading research and consulting company in green and clean technologies since 1980.
The specialist job site for Renewable Energy, Environmental Jobs, Green Chemistry and Future Technologies.
Green Jobs is published by ACON AG, 8004 Zürich, Switzerland, a research, information and consulting company in science and technologies.
Green Jobs Worldwide increase to 25 million new jobs by 2020. Specialists needed. World market expected by 5524 billion US $ for green technologies.
Green Jobs in renewable energies, environmental, green chemistry and new technologies are expanding through high investments, new technologies and climate change worldwide.
The financial crisis is a turn point to develop innovative and sustainable business transformation strategies for all branches and industries worldwide. New technologies like nanotechnologies, molecular science, and biotechnology are enabler technologies, it enables the business to solve problems and satisfy the future need for environmental protection and new sustainable jobs. These developments create new local companies around the world but the know-how and knowledge is global. Therefore specialists are needed and they will be highest paid depending on experience and flexibility, speaking more than one language is helpful too.
20 percent are executive and specialist jobs, 30 percent engineer and science level and 50 percent are labor-intensive jobs. Green jobs develop indirect jobs in all branches and secure today’s jobs. Last but not least a strong local government support is vital in investments, law and regulations and the control of compliance. The profit potentials for companies varies between 0 and 20 percent (ebit) depending their product portfolio, technology and strategy. There are more chances than risks in the future.