Study: Nanotechnology in Life Science Industries
Markets, Key Technologies, Applications and Developments of Nanotechnology in Health, Food, Energy and Environment
1. Initial Position
Nanomedicine, Nanopharma, and all the related nano-industries will affect the traditional Life Science Industry by 60-80% within 10 years, as nanotechnology enables people to manipulate the molecules and atoms of the lives.
Nanodevices, nanoparticles, and nanoanalytics will define the basic approaches of the future healthcare system and diagnostics. Besides, energy, environment and food industries will also be propelled largely. The old barriers will be surpassed and the extant conundrums will be solved. The application of the nanotechnology in Life Science Industries is boundless.
However, two factors will greatly influence the development in different regions. One is the advances of instruments and tools of nanotechnology. They decide the accessibility to the nanoscale world. The other is legal and ethical acceptance. The attitudes to the innovations and new technologies affect largely the application of nanotechnology in Life Science.
The total market volume of nanotechnology in Life Science Industries amount to 8.1 billion US Dollars 2002. It is expected to surge to 29.9 billion US Dollars 2006 and reach 103.6 billion US Dollars 2010. The number of the companies involved in this field will increase from 600 in 2002 to 3000 by 2010.
2. Experiences and Development of HKC
In 1989, 1990, 1995 and the following years HKC published studies regarding microsystem technology and micro electronics.
Since 1980, life science, pharma, food, bioinformatic, information, environmental technology and environmental protection, energy and renewable energy, biotechnology and brain science, neural technologies, medicine technology and water, drinking water and waste water are central fields of work and competence. In February 2001, and ( published the first study worldwide about convergence of nanotechnololgy-biotechnology-information-neural technology. (Converging nano-bio-info-neural-technologies 2015). The study is more comprehensive than the one restricted to cogno (cognitive science) published by US institutes in the summer of 2002. The studies come to comparable results:
The converging nano-bio-neural (cogno) and information will be the overall revolution in the 21st century. It will open new windows for human beings, new developments and innovations change the society and human beings will live with smaller footprints and realize sustainable developments. Neural technologies and the decoding of the brain-function, DNA-based technologies and processes will determine the Molecular Future.
The DNA is the information and has the instructions for every cell. The cell is the basic and prototype for nanotechnology. The RNA's are the components for the interactions. This opens a new understanding of human being and functions, and the 'Molecular Nature'. A new window is opened.
The study "Nanotechnology in Life Science Industries 2003-2006-2010-2015" concentrates on the impacts and applications of nanotechnology in the fields of healthcare, energy, environment and related industries. It scientifically examines, collects and evaluates all companies, markets, branches, applications, developments, state of science and expected developments worldwide and provides a prognosis for the next 15 years.
This study has been finished. It will be updated annually and where it is necessary for research will be a constant update.
3. Structure of the Study/Time Schedule
The total study is divided into several segments which can be obtained separately.
All parts or segments include: Summary, state of science and developments 2002, 2003, 2006, 2010, 2015 and prospects, companies, competition, branches, applications and products according to countries, regions, worldwide, in turnover, volume and potential.
Markets and branches, applications and countries can also be obtained separately.
The study are already available and to be delivered on request.
4. Aims and Benefits of the Study
Aim of the study is the analysis of the global markets and developments, research and development, the companies, organizations, branches and products. The years 2006and 2007 are the basis, as well as the further development in 2008, 2010 and 2015, and prospects for the following years.
The study shows turnover, volume, potentials, product fields and products, applications, competition, companies, countries, regions worldwide, profit potentials, value chains, research expenditures, investments, factors of success, strategies, and opportunities & risks. A separate evaluation and representation is made for the stocks, including an evaluation of companies and prognosis for the stock markets in the US, Japan, China, Germany and Europe.
The strategies of countries are evaluated with expenditures, markets and potential of employment and their opportunities and risks for the next years and decades.
The study is suitable to check the state of research and development, derive innovations, check and compare the state of competitors and adjust and define the own strategies. This applies to companies, institutes, organizations, investors and countries or states respectively.
5. Table of Contents
I. Management SummaryII. State of Nanotechnology Today, R&D Expenditure, Investment and Market
III. Market Segments of Nanotechnology in Life Science
(1) Health/Pharmaceuticals
A. Drug Discovery and Production
a. Cancer and Tumor
b. Brain Disease
c. Infection
d. Hormone-related Diseases
e. Hereditary Diseases
f. Other Diseases
B. Drug Delivery System
a. Polymer-drug conjugates
b. Gene therapy and vaccines
c. Nanovectors
d. Nanocapsules
e. Smart pills
f. Nano-fabricated structures for gene/protein expression
g. Nano-biomimetics
h. Quantum dots
i. Others
C. Others and new products
(2) Repair
A. Tissue Repair and Replacement
a. Implant Coatings
b. Tissue Regeneration Scaffolds
c. Artificial Tissues
d. Heterostasis
B. Implantable Devices
a. Biocompatibility
b. Smart materials
c. Implantable Sensors
d. Implantable Medical Devices
e. Implantable Nanorobots
C. Others and New Products
(3) Diagnostics
A. Gene and Virus Testing
a. Ultra-sensitive Labeling and Detection Technologies
b. High Throughput Arrays and Multiple Analyses
c. Lab-on-a-Chip and Ubiquitous Sensing
B. Imaging
a. Nanoparticle Labels
b. Imaging Devices
c. Other Tools
C. Others and New Products
(4) Food
A. Nutrition and Prevention
B. Gene-modified Food Fostering
C. Agricultural Analysis and Detection
D. Pesticide/Drug Production and Delivery
E. Others and new Products
(5) Energy
A. Catalyst
a. Improving Oil Production
b. Optimising Energy Consumption
B. Energy Storage
C. Energy Conversiong
a. Solar Cell Material and Application
b. Fuel Cell Material and Application
c. Others
D. Other Potential Applications
(6) Environment
A. Remediation and Clearup
a. Monitoring and Detection
b. Filtration
c. Purification
d. Water Desalination
B. Sustainable Production
a. Ultra-clean Manufacturing
b. Safety
c. Zero-emission
C. Construction
a. Substitution of Natural Resources
b. Repairing Environmental Damage
c. Waste Recycling
D. Others and New Products
IV. Legal and Ethical Issues
(4) Genetic Modification
(5) Elitism
(6) Overpopulation
(7) Religious Conflict
(8) Other Risks
V. Key Technologies and Tools of Nanotechnology in Life Science Industries
(9) Analysing and Sensing Instruments
A. Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM)
B. Microscope of Focused Beams
C. X-ray Spectroscopy
D. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
E. Others and New Products
(10) Synthesis and Actuation Instruments
A. Manipulators of Nanostructures
B. Functional Ultrathin Layers
C. Transportation of Nanoparticles
D. Others and New Products
(11) Automation and Fabrication
B. Nanorobotics
C. Artificial Vision
D. Others and New Products
(12) Information and Services
A. In situ and Online Processing
B. Controlling Signals
C. Device Performance Analysis
D. Computer Modeling and Simulating
E. Design Services
F. Building Database
G. Ultra Clean Environment
H. Others and New Products
VI. Key Factors of Nanotechnology in Life Science
A. Precision
B. Safety
C. Advanced Automation
D. Low Energy Consumption
E. Cost Factor
F. Efficiency
G. Facility
H. Others
VII. Analysis of Patents and Know-Hows
VIII. Products and Services in the Branches/Fields
(13) Turnover and Development of the Products of Nanotechnology in Life
Science Industries (2003)
(14) Turnover and Development of the Products of Nanotechnology in Life
Science Industries up to 2008
(15) Turnover and Development of the Products of Nanotechnology in Life
Science Industries up to 2010
(16) Turnover and Development of the Products of Nanotechnology in Life
Science Industries up to 2015
IX. Countries and Regions
USA, Japan, China, Germany, Russia, UK, France,Switzerland ,Netherland Israel and all European Countries, all Asian Countries, all Nafta and the rest of the World
X. Competition/Benchmarking
XI. Market Fields and Criteria
XII. Leading Companies/States
XIII. Chances and Risks
6. Analysis and Evaluation/Report Forms/Languages
The study is available as download, hardbound book or other forms.
The study is available as follows:
- Total study
- Parts of the study
- Study plus presentation
- Lecture and workshops
- Analysis of competition and branch analysis
- Innovation studies and exclusive studies and Consulting/Innovation workshops
- Diversification study and consulting
- Investment guide
- Update every 3 months according to standard criteria or criteria agreed upon
- Consulting/Support/Marketing/Financing/Investment consulting
Languages : English/Chinese/German, other languages by request.
The prices of the study are listed in the reply form attached. For the other items, your request is welcome. For further information and offers, please contact us.
Helmut Kaiser Consultancy ,
Philosophenweg 2 ,
D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany
Fax: 0049 07071 68086
Phone: 0049 07071 67001
7. Updating and Constant Completion and Adjustment/Converging Nanotech
new developments, markets, companies, stocks, technologies, research and applications and all relevant data and information can be delivered every three months.
The study is also adjusted every three months and all parts and contents are extended.
Exclusive tasks and questions can be added.
8. Exclusive Questions and Tasks Raised by You!
If you would like to bring own questions and tasks into the study, please write us. We will make an offer.
If you need or wish a special study, please make an inquiry.
9. Reply Form/Order
Helmut Kaiser Consultancy Fax: +49(0)7071 68086
Sigwartstr. 20
D-72076 Tuebingen
Study: Nanotechnology in Life Science Industries
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