New market study, market report, market research, market analysis, market forecast:
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
New 2019
In China and Worldwide 2017-2018-2019- 2020-2025-2030
with history 2012 to 2017
Markets, products, companies, Developments, Technologies and Sciences
1. Initial Situation
Traditional Chinese Medicine is booming worldwide but different situation in each country. Within the last years
nearly all leading Pharmaceutical Companies enter this market with J&V or buying a company. The profit potential depends on the application, market, formula, herbs, know how. 23 application have each its own CAGR.
This is an exclusive study for traditional Chinese medicine market (TCM market) and Chinese herbs market and associated products, developments and TCM companies. The Study is describing all segments of TCM and state the market and,the developments from 2017 and the following years and the prognosis to 2018, 2019 2020 and 2025.- 2030
Chinese Traditional Medicine ( TCM) market is rapidly developing since later of 1990s. In 2010, the output value of TCM amounted to RMB317.2 billion (about €36.8 billion), which increased 24%. The net yield and profits of TCM production is much higher than the average for the country's medical industry. The total TCM market in China will rise to €96,2 billion in 2025. But more nd more companies produce TCM outside of China and the herbs too. Further bioengineering with herbs is in some countries very successful. ( see in this study products and companies. ) In many western countries TCM herbals are sold as nutrition and that is succesful and legal. Of course marketing has to be different.
China is the country which is rich in medicinal resources with more than 6,500 Chinese herbs determined. In china there are over 600 herb bases to produce the Chinese medicinal raw materials. Customs figures show China exports 240,000 tons of medicines annually, of which 200,000 tons are raw herbs. The exported raw herbs accounted for 20 percent of the country's annual harvest.
The plantation has become a new source of income for some Chinese farmers. Many provinces such as Hebei, Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan, Shaanxi and Shanxi have designated traditional medicine as a pillar industry.
More than 3,000 enterprises are engaging in traditional Chinese medicine processing. In this study you could find the top Traditional Chinese Medicine companies ( TCM companies), financial analysis and business analysis. Whithin the last years
we made over 10 market concepts, marketing strategies, market entry concepts and realization for small and multinational
companies. We are the world leader in research in consulting in TCM since 1985, also Herbal Medicine, Phytotherapies.
2. Table of Contents:
1. TCM Definition: Markets for Herbs, TCM Formula, Granules, Concentrated Granules, Liquids.
2. Global Market Overview ( all by years to 2025 )
2.1 Overview TCM Market worldwide
2.1.1 Propotion of TCM Market Worldwide by Region
2.1.2 TCM Market Worldwide by Region
2.2 Market Segments Worldwide
2.2.1 Market Segments of TCM Worldwide in %
3. Countries and Regions
3.1 TCM in Western Europe
3.1.1 Development of TCM Market in Western Europe
3.1.2 Market Segments of TCM in Western Europe
3.2 TCM in Germany
3.2.1 Development of TCM Market in Germany
3.2.2 Market Segments of TCM in Germany
3.2.3 Market Structures and Segments in Germany
3.3 TCM in United Kingdom
3.3.1 Development of TCM Market in UK
3.3.2 Market Segments of TCM in UK
3.3.3 Market Segments of TCM in UK
3.3.4 Market structures and segments in United Kingdom
3.4 The United States
3.4.1 Development of TCM Market in USA
3.4.2 Market Segments of TCM in USA
4 The TCM Market in Asia
4.1 China
4.2 Japan
4.3 Korea
4.4 Development of TCM Market in Asia (exclude Japan)
4.5 Market Segments of TCM in Asia
4.6 Development of TCM Market in Japan
4.7 Market Segments of TCM in Japan
5 Market Segments of TCM
5.1 Phytotherapy/Herbal therapy and products
5.1.1 Phytotherapy/Herbal Therapy Market by Regions
5.2 Acupuncture and Acupuncture Devices
5.2.1 Acupuncture Devices and Services Market by Regions
5.3 Nutrition and Dietary Supplement
5.3.1 Nutrition and Dietary Supplement Market by Regions
5.4 Pharmaceuticals/Drugs
5.4.1 Pharmaceuticals/Drug Market by Regions
5.5 Vitamin, Minerals and trace Minerals
5.5.1 Market of Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Minerals by Regions
5.6 Diagonostics, Products&Service
5.6.1 Diagnostics (Products & Service) by Regions
5.7 Medical-technical Equipment
5.7.1 Medical-technical Equipment by region worldwide
5.8 Qigong
5.8.1 Qigong Devices & Services Market by Regions
6 TCM in China
6.1 TCM industry
6.1.1 Development of TCM industry (by total sales in € Billion)
6.1.2 The proportion of TCM industry by products
6.1 Botanical extraction
6.1.2 Main Companies in Botanical extraction
6.2 Raw Materials
6.2.1 14 main categories of TCM raw materials
6.2.2 Main Raw materials trading markets in China
6.2.3 Introduction of top 100 herbs in Chinese Market
6.2.4 The price index for 500 TCM raw materials
6.2.5 Main provinces for TCM raw herbs and its base
6.2.6 Main Raw herbs with market potential
6.2.7 Leading TCM raw materials companies
6.3 Chinese medicine sliced medicinal herbs
6.3.1 Development of Chinese Medicine sliced Medicinal herbs
(in Billion €)
6.4 Chinese traditional patent medicine
6.4.1 Sumary of Chinese traditional patent medicine market
6.4.2 Development of Chinese traditional patent medicine
(in Billion €)
6.4.3 Leading TCM companies in Chinese traditional patent medicine
6.4.4 Main TCM patent medicine and price index
6.4.5 The produce of Chinese traditional patent medicine
by province and percentage
6.5 Development of TCM industry (by total sales in Billion €)
6.6 TCM in Hospitals
6.6.1 Top 20 TCM Hospital Sales in China Ranked by Products
6.6.2 Top 20 TCM Hospital Sales in China Ranked by Manufacturer
6.6.3 Top 20 TCM Hospital Sales in China Ranked by Province
6.6.4 The income of traditional chinese medicine in Hospital in 2018
6.6.5 The sales of the different type of Chinese traditional patent medine
in hospital 2018 by percentage
6.6.6 Top 10 Chinese traditional patent medicine in 2018 by type usage
7. Leading TCM Companies
7.1 Top 50 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Companies
in China (Rank by profit)
7.2 Top 50 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Campanies
in China (Rank by sales income
7.3 Top 50 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Campanies
in China (Rank by sales income)
7.4 Top 10 Fast Growing Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Campanies
in China
7.5 Top 10 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Campanies
by research and development in China
7.6 Top 10 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Campanies
by producing sliced medicinal herbs in China
7.7 Information on Leading TCM Companies in China
7.8 Financial analysis of leading TCM companies
7.8.1Tongrentang Development and Comparison of Main Business Income
and Net Profit (Million RMB) Main Financial figures in Business analysis
7.8.2. Zhongxin Pharmaceuticals Development and Comparison of Main Business Income
and Net Profit (Million RMB) Main Financial figures in Business Analysis
7.8.3 Tianjin Tasly Group Development and Comparison of Main business income
and Net profit (Million RMB) Main Financial figures in Business Analysis
7.8.4 Yuannan Baiyao Development and Comparison of Main business income
and Net profit (Million RMB) Main Financial figures in Business Analysis
7.8.5 Nanjing Medical Company Limited Development and Comparison of Main business income
and Net profit (Million RMB) Main Financial figures in Business Analysis
8. Import and Export of TCM
8.1.1. Export Volume
8.1.2. The Export Destination Countries The top 10 countries in the world which TCM export The proportion of export destination countries
8.1.3 The development of TCM exports by sales value
8.1.4 The proportion of TCM export by product segment
8.1.5 The development of TCM exports by Region
8.1.6 The Proportion of TCM export Market by region
8.1.7 The Proportion of TCM Botanical Extraction
Export Market by region
8.1.8 The Proportion of TCM Raw Materials & Sliced Medicinal Herbs
Export Market by region
8.1.9 The Proportion of TCM Patent Medicine
Export Market by region
8.1.10 Affects on TCM exports Affect by EU regulation Affect on export to Korea Affect on export to Japan
8.1.11 Analyses of TCM export by products` segments
8.2 Import
8.2.1 The Proportion of TCM import
8.2.2 The proportion of TCM import by product segments
9. Factors Affecting the Development of China’s TCM Market from to 2025 and 2030 like producing in many countries worldwide and china is loosing marketshares.
10. Conclusion
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Study: Traditional Chinese Medicine in China and Worldwide
2025 - 2030
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