Goal of the Study
The study provides a foundation to gain information about trends, opportunities and risks and to evaluate initial situation and further development as well as to identifiy and evaluate the growth and profit opportunities within the segments of technologies/markets, the industries and value chain. It will deal with the current state of Membrane bioreactors market and future developments.
III. Contents of the Study
I. Introduction
Initial Position
Goals of the Study
Qualification of the author and publisher
II. Executive Summary
Global Membrane Reactor (MBR) Markets
Development Trends of the Markets and the Competition
Development of Technologies
Developments in Project Distribution
Potential Profitability
Worldwide Market for MBR
Value chain for MBR
Overview of Competition, Leading companies and their products
Overview of the Market for waste water treatment worldwide
III. Aims and Uses of the Study
Definition of terms

Water purification

(waste)water treatment
Market Segmentation

Areas of application

Period examined

Countries examined

Technologies examined

IV. Technologies, Processes, Products and application
Introduction and overview
Overview of the MBR processes:



Membrane types

Flat sheet

Hollow fibre


System integrators

Diffused aeration system
Fouling and fouling control

Intermittent permeation

Membrane backwashing

Air backwashing

Antifouling products

Chemical enhanced backwash

MBRs by system configuration
Overview of microbial processes used in MBRs
Overview of other technologies used in wastewater treatment
biological methods
physical methods
physico-chemical methods
Sectors of MBRs:






public buildings


Food and beverage industry

Textile industry

Pharmaceutical industry

Paper and pulp industry

V. Applications of MBR:
Cleaning process
Food and beverage
VI. Market for MBR worldwide overview and in details
Overview of the global market of MBR 2009-2030 in bn US$
By regions
West Europe
East Europe
Asia Pacific
South America
By leading countries
By system configuration (submersible and external)
By membrane configuration (flat sheet, hollow fibers, multitube)
By technologies
By sectors (industrial, municipal and industrial)
By value chain
By plant size/capacity

500-1000 P.E.

1001-5000 P.E.

5001- 20000 P.E.
Overview of the market for MRB in Western Europe
By leading countries






By technologies
By system configuration
By applications
By plant size/capacity
By sectors (municipal, industrial, residential wastewater)
Overview of the market for MRB in Eastern Europe
By leading countries
By technologies
By system configuration
By applications
By plant size/capacity
By sectors (municipal, industrial, residential wastewater)
Overview of the market for MRB in NAFTA
By countries
By technologies
By system configuration
By applications
By plant size/capacity
By sectors (municipal, industrial, residential wastewater)
Overview of the market for MRB in South America
By leading countries
By technologies
By system configuration
By applications
By plant size/capacity
By sectors (municipal, industrial, residential wastewater)
Overview of the market for MRB in Asia Pacific
By leading countries
By technologies
By system configuration
By applications
By plant size/capacity
By sectors (municipal, industrial, residential wastewater)
VII. MBR Plants
Current plans
Future Projects and Installations in municipal and industrial sectors
Very large plants (>100,000 P.E.)
Overview of selected MBR plants by regions
VIII. Laws and Regulation
By Countries
IX. Competition
Competition overview
List of plants
Companies in MBR Plants (international and regional)
Leading companies
IV. Time Schedule
The study is completed and can be delivered immediately.
V. Methods of Investigation
The study is based on the following methods: Desk and Field Research. Market potentials and prospects are gathered by the Delphi-Method. Here specialists in the market are questioned about their future expectations which are then narrowed through repeated coordination with the specialists.
VI. Qualification
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VII. Price and How to Order
The price of the Total study is 4.900 Euro, with over 300 pages (VAT if needed.)
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New 2009!
Membrane Bioreactors (MBR) Markets, Trends and Perspective 2009-2010, 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030
Market, Business, Technologies, Plants, Applications, Trends, Water and Wastewater
Municipal, Industrial, Residential
In the last few years, the global market for MBR technology has been increasing, with different growth rates depending on the region and state of market of the particular regions. The global market of 450 million US$ for the equipment segment of the value chain alone, will be expected to grow with more then 8 percent per year. The turnover of the whole value chain is of course much higher which the study stated and show in the future development.
The profit potential is very different within the value chain. The driving factor for the growth of this market is waster stress, in particular in the Pacific area and legislation support growth of the global MBR market. The largest application is in the municipal/residential sector, accounting for most of the market segment. Sewage treatment both municipally and industrially still is and will continue to be the primary use of MBR systems. Membrane bioreactor systems are used in water reuse, new housing developments, parks and resorts, retrofits, and turnkey projects but more and more rebuilding and second build.
World wide there is a trend towards larges capacity municipal plants. Smaller sized plants are however being used in smaller communities and residential area and industry. The current MBR market is still dominated by northern Europe, USA and Canada, however regions in Asia are showing very high growth rates and they will be one of the key players in this market in the near future. An important market worldwide is the drinking water production from waste water, reuse and recycling, new water and drinking water from sewage plants.
The majority of the MBR market worldwide is occupied by some multinational companies in USA, Japan and Germany but with new development this could be changed within the next years. Especially companies looking at the whole value chain and turnkey projects with it will win the competition.
This study explore the markets and market developments , different technologies and applications, value chain, competition and profit potentials for Membrane bioreactors, the application of MBRs in municipal, residential and industrial sector, as well as detailed market analysis globally, in regions and leading countries. The competition, current state of development and overview of the current installed and running plants, new plants and new projects will also be discussed in this study with over 350 pages.