I. Initial Situation
Nano China is a study about the state and the development of Nanotechnology in China. This study will deal with the market for Nanotechnology and converging markets nano-bio-cogno-info in the different segments, industries and value chain.
Nanotechnology and converging technologies are becoming more and more of a race between regions and nations to win the future markets and society’s wealth and political stability. The development shows that five nations are leading the competition today. China as one of the five has the advantage of a high flexibilty, low labour costs, no barriers for new technologies, young and vibrant society, venture capital, underestimated currency (today about 40 percent to the US Dollar), low taxes, goverment support and a home market with more than 1.5 billion people for applications.
China is now one of the world leaders in terms of its number of newly registered nanotechnology firms. Over the past three years, the number of companies in the field of nanotechnology in China has grown and reached over 600. This growth rate is very rapid and it has yet to show signs of slowing down. The sales to date have been largely domestic, but with the increasing global interest on the development of nanotechnology and with the advantage of modern communication we can safely speculate that this could be a very profitable investment in the near future.
China has already led the world in establishing the first national standards of nanomaterials in the world. Meanwhile, without heavy restrictions in the area of environmental protection and bioethics, nanotechnology will find a free space to develop fast, not having to worry about the social controversy.
The current market situation worldwide is also looking very promising. 150 nanotechnology companies are listed on the stock market 2003 and about 2000 companies and organisations are working in this field worldwide. The leading countries are USA, Japan, China and Germany.And if you see the converging markets there are more companies importend from the stockmarket.
This study will focus on China and the state and the development of its nanotechnology, the different sectors and industry of nanotechnology in China in detail. On the same level, the development and research programs of nanotechnology will also be discussed.
Goal of Study
The study provides a foundation to gain information about trends, opportunities and risks and to evaluate initial situation and further development as well as to identifiy and evaluate the growth and profit opportunities within the segments of technologies/markets, the industries and value chain. It will deal with the current state of Nanotechnology in China and with the Development for the years 2015 to 2025.
Contents of the Study
Management Summary
I. State of Nanotechnology and Converging Technologies: Today, R&D Expenditure, Investment and Market
State of science in nanotechnology – general overview
Nanotechnology basic
Nanotechnology impact in advanced technologies
Nanotechnology impact on markets
Nanotechnology and application timeline
Nanotechnology research
Worldwide R&D investment in nanotechnology by regions
Global research and development in nanotechnology
Value chain for nanotechnology
Definition of nanotech-industries
Development of nanotechnology markets worldwide by segments
Development of nanotechnology markets worldwide by regions
Comparison of nanotechnology competitiveness between the major countries in the world
Future challenges of nanotechnology
Development of converging technology markets worldwide
Nanobiotechnology basic
Molecular scale & impact on industries
Potential applications and products
Key development in Nano-Bio-Cogno-Info up to 2025
The future impact of Nano-Bio-Cogno-Info convergence on selected markets up to 2025
II. State of the Nanotechnology Research and Development in China 2008
General Introduction
China´s National Nanotechnology Initiative
Nanotechnology R&D Investment
Focus Areas of Research
Research Programs
China´s Comparative Advantages and Disadvantages in Nanotechnology Research
Comparision of Government Nanotech Funding Worldewide,
China´s Position in the World´s Nano R&D
III. Market Development of Nanotechnology Industries in China to 2025
China Nanotech Start-ups
Nanotech Value Added Points in China
Development of Nanotechnology Industry in China By Value Chain
Market Applications of Nanotechnology in China
Development of Nanotechnology Industry in China By Market Application
Three Major Areas of Commercialization in China
Three Major Areas of Commercialization in China
Nano Environment
Nano Water
Nano Energy
Nano Catalysis
Nano Military
Nano Space
Nano Machine
Nano Medicine
Nano Biotechnology
Nano Food
Nano Electronics
Nano Car
Nano Materials
Comparison of Companies in Different Segments and Regions for Nanotechnology and Nano-Bio-Info
IV. Selected Company Profiles
V. Academic Institutions
VI. Goverment Agency
VII. National Standards
VIII. Patents
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Study: Nano China
Nanotechnology in China
2015 to 2025
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