1. Initial Position
The packaging is becoming more and more a service and trying to meet as many customers´ requirements as possible. Simple traditional “packing” is to be replaced with multi-functional intelligent packaging methods to improve the food quality thanks to the application of nanotechnology in this field. According to Helmut Kaiser Consultancy (www.hkc22.com), nanotechnology has been significantly increasing its impact on the food and beverage packaging industry during last three years. The sales of the nano-related packaging products have been rising from US$ 150 million in 2002 to $ 860 million in 2004 worldwide. Nonetheless, compared with the over $100 billion food and beverage packaging industry, the growth potential of the nanopackaging is still enormous. It is predicted that nanotechnology will change 25% of the food packaging business in the next decade, that means a yearly over $ 30 billion market.
The rocketing market growth comes mainly from the rapid multiplication of the applications employing nanotechnology. While there were less than 40 nanopackaging products in the market three years ago, this number has been going beyond 250 today. Present major market trends include enhancing the performance of packaging materials, prolonging shelf life, antimicrobial packaging and interactive packaging.
Nanotechnology enables the designers to alter the structure of the packaging materials on the molecular scale, to give the materials desired properties. With different nanostructure, the plastics can obtain various gas/water vapor permeabilities to fit the requirements of reserving fruit, vegetable, beverage, wine and other food. By adding nanoparticles, people can also produce bottles and packages with more light- and fire-resistantance, stronger mechanical and thermal performance, and less gas absorption. These properties can significantly increase the shelf life, efficiently preserve flavour & colour, and facilitate transportion & usage. Further, nanostructured film can effectively prevent the food from the invasion of bacteria and microorganism and ensure the food safety. With embedded nanosensors in the packaging, consumers will be able to “read” the food inside. Sensors can alarm us before the food goes rotten or can inform us the exact nutrition status contained in the contents.
In the long run, nanotechnology is going to change the fabrication of the whole packaging industry. Processing the atoms and molecules will realize zero-emission recycle and save natural resources. Self-assembly will in the end hugely reduce the fabrication costs and infrastructure. More flexible packaging methods will provide the consumers with fresher and customized products.
Nanopackaging has been attracting the attention of industrial leaders, governments and research institutes. Multi-national companies, such as Krafts, Henkel, Bayer, Kodak, Budweiser, Pepsi, to name just a few, all have their R&D projects concerning the application of nanotechnology in the field of food & beverage packaging. NASA, US Department of Defense and leading European institutes show their special interests in the related segments as well. It is worthy of noticing that China and Taiwan have already taken a firm foothold in this market and are poised to be challenging competitors in this market.
2. Experiences and Development of HKC
In 1989, 1990, 1995 and the following years Helmut Kaiser Consultancy (HKC) published studies regarding microsystem technology and micro electronics.
Established in 1980, HKC specializes in life science, environmental technology, biotechnology and nanotechnology. In February 2001, hkc22.com and btt.com (www.btt.com) published the first study worldwide about convergence of nanotechnololgy-biotechnology-information-neural technology. (Converging nano-bio-info-neural-technologies 2015). The study is more comprehensive than the one restricted to cogno (cognitive science) published by US institutes in the summer of 2002. The studies come to comparable results:
The converging nano-bio-neural (cogno) and information will be the overall revolution in the 21st century. It will open new windows for human beings, new developments and innovations change the society and human beings will live with smaller footprints and realize sustainable developments.
From that general study, we choose some most promising segments and elaborate studies such as “Instruments and Tools for Nanotechnology 2008-2010-2015”, “Nanotechnology in Life Science Industries 2008-2010-2015” and now “Nanotechnology in Food and Food Processing Industry 2008-2010-2015”. They focus on the impacts and applications of nanotechnology in the different fields, scientifically examine, collect and evaluate all companies, markets, branches, applications, developments, state of science and expected developments worldwide, and provide prognoses for the next 15 years.
The study “Nanopackaging 2008-2010-2015” is based on constant market watch, broad surveys and interviews during last three years. The study includes analysis of the market development up to 2015 by countries and by market segments, detailed listing of the present and potential market applications, and description of the state of science and the technology trends, together with a list of related patents. Governmental strategy & support, ethical & social issues are parts of the study as well. A comprehensive collection of the competitors and their activities enables the readers to get insight of what is happening in every company and every country.
3. Structure of the Study/Time Schedule
The total study is divided into several segments which can be obtained separately.
All parts or segments include: Summary, state of science and developments 2008, 2010, 2015 and prospects, companies, competition, branches, applications and products according to countries, regions, worldwide, in turnover, volume and potential. Markets and branches, applications and countries can also be obtained separately. The study is finished and is available now.
4. Aims and Benefits of the Study
Aim of the study is the analysis of the global markets and developments, research and development, the companies, organizations, branches and products. The data in 2008 is the basis, as well as the further development in 2009, 2010 and 2015, and prospects for the following years.
The study shows turnover, volume, potentials, product fields and products, applications, competition, companies, countries, regions worldwide, profit potentials, value chains, research expenditures, investments, factors of success, strategies, and opportunities & risks.
The study is suitable to check the state of research and development, get innovations, check and compare the state of competitors, and develop own strategies. This applies to companies, institutes, organizations, investors and countries or states respectively.
5. Table of Contents
I. Management Summary
II. Overview of Nanotechnology Today
State of the Art, R&D Expenditure and Investment
III. Overview of Nanotechnology for Life Industries Worldwide 2008-2010-2015
IV. Nanotechnology for Food Industry Worldwide 2008-2010-2015
V. Nanotechnology Applied in Food & Beverage Packaging 2008-2010-2015
(1) General Development of the Food and Beverage Packaging Industries through Nano and Nanobio worldwide.
(2) Market and Products

Turnover and Development of the Products of Nanotechnology in Food Packaging 2008-2010-2015
(3) Application of Nanotechnology in Food Packaging by Products
(4) Application of Nanotechnology in Food Packaging by Fields of Usage

A. In Food Production and Processing

C. In Food Flavor & Color Improvement

E. In Functional Packaging

F. In Intelligent Packaging

H. In Product Anti-counterfeiting
(5) Application of Nanotechnology in Food Packaging by Technologies

A. Nanocomposites and nanoclays

D. Nanofilms and nanofilters

F. Others and New Applications
(6) Application of Nanotechnology in Food Packaging by Value Chains
A. Retail and consumer
B. Catering services
C. Supply chain
D. Producer
E. Farm

F. Others
(7) Application of Nanotechnology in Food Packaging by Materials
A. Paper and board
B. Plastics
C. Metal
D. Paper
E. Others
VI. Current Issues and Controversies in Different Country
VII. Analysis of Patents and Know-Hows
VIII. Countries and Regions

USA, Japan, China, Germany, and all European Countries, all Asian Countries, all NAFTA and the rest of the World
IX. Competition
a. General Benchmarking
b. Leading Companies/States
c. Profiles of Major Competitors and Their Products
X. Strategy for Development in Nanopackaging Segment
a. Success Factors of the Market
b. Chances and Risks
c. Marketing and Technology Strategies
6. Analysis and Evaluation/Report Forms/Languages
The study is available as download, hardbound book or other forms.
The study is available as follows:
- Total study
- Parts of the study
- Study plus presentation
- Lecture and workshops
- Analysis of competition and branch analysis
- Innovation studies and exclusive studies and Consulting/Innovation workshops
- Diversification study and consulting
- Investment guide
- Update every 3 months according to standard criteria or criteria agreed upon
- Consulting/Support/Marketing/Financing/Investment consulting
- Special Service: Fast online service based on specific questions and requirements
Languages : English/Chinese/German, other languages by request.
The prices of the study are listed in the reply form attached. For the other items, your request is welcome. For further information and offers, please contact us.
Address: Helmut Kaiser Consultancy ,
Sigwartstrasse 20 ,
D-72076 Tuebingen, germany
Fax: 0049 07071 68086
Phone: 0049 07071 67001
Email: hku-tuebingen@t-online.de
7. Updating and Adjustment
new developments, markets, companies, stocks, technologies, research and applications and all relevant data and information can be delivered every three months.
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Sigwartstr. 20 Fax: +49(0)7071 68086
D-72076 Tuebingen Email: hku-tuebingen@t-online.de
Study: Nanotechnology in Food and Beverage Packaging Industry Worldwide
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