Water Chemicals worldwide
The Market of Chemicals for the Treatment of
Water, Wastewater and Sludge
Worldwide State 2014-15-16-17-18-19- 2020-2025
Executive Summary
The water treatment chemicals market worldwide is increasing steadily with an average yearly growth rate of about 5.3% during the next decade. The growth mainly comes from two sides, on the one hand, emerging markets like China, India are rapidly developing their industrial and municipal water treatment networks, on the other hand, the higher value formulations are replacing low-cost, commodity compounds in almost all markets and applications. These high-value formulations function more efficiently with less dosage and are less toxic than the conventional low-cost commodity type chemicals.
The increasing public environmental concerns and more strict legislated will contribute to the growth of water treatment chemical usage. The elevated drinking water standards, especially in the developing countries, will help the drinking water treatment industry grow more than 9% every year in the world. The world bank will make more than 450 bn US$ of necessary investments within the next 10 years as a starting point for improving the global drinking water.
In many regions of the world, especially in Africa, South America and parts of Asia, drinking water is a quality problem on the one hand and a shortage problem on the other hand. Production and treatment of drinking water can be financed locally in the mentioned regions only to a limited degree. More than one third of the world population is today already affected by quality and quantity shortages, with increasing tendency. In industrialized countries exist also increasingly quality and, temporarily, quantity problems. The construction of more and better drinking water facilitates will trigger a steady growth of chemicals usage.
Untreated wastewater is still one of the biggest problems for the environmental protection. In the industrialized countries as well as in the developing countries, new regulations and standards are issued to manage the effluents. Chemicals utilised in the industrial and municipal wastewater applications will therefore witness a moderate but long-term increase during next 10-20 years.
This report discusses the market for water treatment chemical and its future prospects in different sector, regions and countries. The report is structured as follows:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Introduction and Methodology
Chapter 2: Market Overview: Water Treatment Chemicals Worldwide 2010, 2011-2025
A general overview of the market developments
Chapter 3: Introduction of water purification and wastewater/sludge treatment methods
Mechanical methods
Physicochemical methods
Biological methods
Sewage sludge treatment methods
Methods of sewage sludge utilization and disposal
Chapter 4: Chemicals used for water purification and wastewater treatment by specialty
pH Adjustors and softeners
Chemicals for reduction and oxidation
Corrosion inhibitors
Scale inhibitors and dispersants
Chelating agents
Biocides and disinfectants
Chapter 5: Chemicals used for water purification and wastewater treatment by application
Water purification
Wastewater treatment
Sludge treatment
Chapter 6: Water Purification and wastewater treatment in selected industrial sectors
Automotive industry
Metal processing industry
Electroplating industry
Electronics industry
Wastewater and sludge incurred in the painting sector
Power plants
Textile industry
Food/semiluxury Industry
Paper and pulp Industry
Chemicals Industry
Chapter 7: Market Development of water treatment chemicals worldwide 2014 per year to-2025
by regions (Asia-Pacific, North America, West and East Europe, Middle East, South America)
by specialty (see Ch 4)
by countries (China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany, UK, France, italy, Scandinavia, Spain/Portugal, Benelux, Russia)
Chapter 8: Users’s criteria for water treatment chemicals by branch
branches (see Ch. 6)
User’s prerequisites for chemicals
Chapter 9: Laws, Codes and Standards
Policy and Legislation in EU
Policy and Legislation in USA
Administration, Laws and Regulations of Water Industries in China
Chapter 10: Competition
Distribution channels
Most important manufacturers worldwide
Profiles of most important manufacturers and vendors of water chemicals worldwide.
Strategies and schemes for the successful marketing of chemicals in individual sectors
Table of Contents
Terminology and Definitions 

Methods of Investigation

Qualification of the author and publisher

Chapter 2. Market Overview: Water Treatment Chemicals Worldwide 2010, 2011-2025

Chapter 3. Introduction of Water Purification and Wastewater/Sludge Treatment Methods

3.1.4. Gravity Separation

3.1.6 Oil/grease separation

3.2. Physico-Chemical Methods

3.2.3. Flocculation and precipitation Adsorption using Activated Carbon Adsorption using Adsorber Resins

3.2.8 Extraction using Solvents

3.2.17 Membrane Technologies Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis Microfiltration and Nanofiltration Application of Membrance Methods

3.3.1.Aerobic Wastewater Treatment

3.3.2. Anaerobic Decomposition Different Types of Anaerobic Reactors Description of Modern Reactors

3.3.4 Comparison of the Efficiency of Modern Anaerobic Reactors

3.4 Sewage Sludge Treatment Methods

3.4.1 Sludge Stabilization

3.5 Methods of Sewage Sludge Utilization and Disposal

3.5.1 Material Utilization Methods

3.5.2 Thermal Treatment Methods

3.5.3 Other Methods of Utilizing Sewage Sludge

3.5.4 Landfilling of Sewage Sludge

Chapter 4. Chemicals Used for Water Purification and Wastewater/Sludge Treatment –by Specialty
4.1. pH Adjustors and Softeners

4.1.1. Hydroxide and Lime

4.1.2. Sulfide Precipitation

4.1.3. Fluoride Precipitation

4.1.4. Sulfate Precipitation

4.1.5. Water Softening Agents/Stabilizing Agents

4.2.1. Phosphate Precipitation

4.2.2. Environmental Safety of Phosphate Precipitation

4.2.3. Commercially Available Aluminum/Iron Salts

4.2.4. More Recent Methods for Eliminating Metals and Flocculation

4.4. Chemicals for Oxidation and Reduction (Detoxification) Cyanide Detoxification Nitrite Detoxification Phenol Detoxification

4.5. Corrosion Inhibitors

4.6. Scale Inhibitors and Dispersants

4.10 Biocides and Disinfectants

4.10.1. Oxidizing Products

4.10.2. Non-Oxidizing Products

Chapter 5. Chemicals Used for Water Purification and Wastewater/Sludge Treatment – by Application
5.1.1. Drinking Water Purification

5.1.2. Purification of Process Water

5.1.3. Ultrapure Water Purification

5.2. Wastewater Treatment

5.2.2. Industrial Wastewater

5.3.1. Municipal Sewage Sludge

5.3.2. Industrial Sewage Sludge

Chapter 6. Water Purification and Wastewater Treatment in Selected Industrial Sectors

6.2. Metal Processing Industry

6.3. Electroplating Industry

6.4. Electronics Industry

6.5. Wastewater and Sludge Incurred in the Painting Sector

6.5.1. Wastewater Treatment in the Painting Industry

6.5.2. Disposal of Painting Sludge

6.8. Food/Semiluxury Industry

6.9. Paper and Pulp Industry

Chapter 7. Market Development of Water Treatment Chemicals Worldwide 2010, 2011-2025

7.1 Water Treatment Chemicals Market Worldwide by Region

7.2. Water Treatment Chemicals Market Worldwide by Specialty

7.2.1 pH Adjusters and Softeners Market Wordlwide by Specialty

7.2.2 Flocculants Market Worldwide by Specialty

7.2.3 Coagulants Market Worldwide by Specialty

7.2.4 Oxidants Market Worldwide by Specialty

7.2.5 Corrosion Inhibitors Market Worldwide by Specialty

7.2.6 Scale Inhibitors/Dispersants Market Worldwide by Specialty

7.2.7 Water Treatment Media Market Worldwide by Specialty

7.2.8. Biocides and Disinfectants Market Worldwide by Specialty

7.3. Water Treatment Chemicals Market Worldwide by Branch

7.3.1 Industrial Water Treatment Chemicals Market Worldwide by Branch

7.4. Water Treatment Chemicals Market Asia-Pacific by Country

7.4.1. Water Treatment Chemicals Market in China

7.4.2. Water Treatment Chemicals Market in Japan

7.4.3. Water Treatment Chemicals Market in South Korea

7.4.4. Water Treatment Chemicals Market in Australia

7.4.5. Water Treatment Chemicals Market in India

7.5. Water Treatment Chemicals Market North America by Country

7.5.1. Water Treatment Chemicals Market in USA

7.5.2. Water Treatment Chemicals Market in Canada

7.5.3. Water Treatment Chemicals Market in Mexico

7.6. Water Treatment Chemicals Market West Europe by Country

7.6.1. Water Treatment Chemicals Market in Germany

7.6.2. Water Treatment Chemicals Market in UK

7.6.3. Water Treatment Chemicals Market in France

7.6.4. Water Treatment Chemicals Market in Italy

7.6.5. Water Treatment Chemicals Market in Scadinavia

7.6.6. Water Treatment Chemicals Market in Spain/Portugal

7.6.7. Water Treatment Chemicals Market in Benelux

7.7. Water Treatment Chemicals Market East Europe by Country

7.7.1. Water Treatment Chemicals Market in Russia

7.8. Water Treatment Chemicals Market Middle-East by Country

7.9. Water Treatment Chemicals Market Middle and South America by Country

Chapter 8. User´s Criteria for Water Treatment Chemicals by Branch

8.1 User´s Criteria for Water Treatment Chemicals in Automotive Industry

8.2 User´s Criteria for Water Treatment Chemicals in Mining Industry

8.3 User´s Criteria for Water Treatment Chemicals in Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Industry
8.4 User´s Criteria for Water Treatment Chemicals in Iron and Steel Industry

8.5 User´s Criteria for Water Treatment Chemicals in Electronics/Electrical Engineering Industry
8.6 User´s Criteria for Water Treatment Chemicals in Paints Industry

8.7 User´s Criteria for Water Treatment Chemicals in Electroplating Industry

8.8 User´s Criteria for Water Treatment Chemicals in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants
8.9 User´s Criteria for Water Treatment Chemicals in Power Plants

8.10 User´s Criteria for Water Treatment Chemicals in Mechanical Engineering Industry
8.11 User´s Criteria for Water Treatment Chemicals in Paper and Chemical Pulp Industry
8.12 User´s Criteria for Water Treatment Chemicals in Textile Industry

8.13 User´s Criteria for Water Treatment Chemicals in Drinking Water Suppliers

8.14 : User´s Prerequisites for Chemicals

8.14.1. Product Liability

8.14.2. Acceptance of Consulting Services for Optimizing Plants/Chemical Consumption
8.14.3. Informational Behavior

Chapter 9: Laws, Codes and Standards

9.1 Policy and Legislation in EU

9.1.1 The EU Water Framework Directive

9.1.2 Key elements of the most important EU water directives Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive(91/271/EEC) Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC) Bathing Water Quality Directive (Council Directive 76/160/EEC concerning the quality of bathing water) 329 Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC)

9.1.3. European Environment Agency

9.2 Public Policy and Legislation in USA

9.2.1 US. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)

9.2.2 Drinking Water Legislation Safe Drinking Water Act Current Drinking Water Rules

9.2.3 Wastewater Management

9.3 Administration, Laws and Regulations of Water Industries in China

9.3.1 Main Responsibilities of Ministry of Water Resources

9.3.2 Laws of Water Activities

9.3.3 Main Responsibilities of the State Environmental Protection Administration
9.3.4 National Water Standards (Guo Biao) Quality Standards

Chapter 10: Competition andStrategies for the Successful Marketing

10.2. Alternative Strategies

10.3. Distribution Channels

10.4. Most Important Manufacturers Worldwide

10.5 Profiles of Most Important Manufacturers and Vendors of Water Chemicals Worldwide
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