Nanotechnology in Food and Food Processing
Industry Worldwide
--- Tomorrow we will design food by shaping molecules and atoms
Applications, Key Technologies, Markets and Developments of Nanotechnology in Food Production, Processing, Preservation, Safety and Packaging
1. Initial Position
Keeping leadership in food and food processing industry, you have to work with nanotechnology and nano-bio-info in the future. The markets are changing already.
Tomorrow we will design food by shaping molecules and atoms. Nanoscale biotech and nano-bio-info will have big impacts on the food and food-processing industries. The future belongs to new products, new processes with the goal to customize and personalize the products. Improving the safety and quality of food will be the first step. More than 180 applications are in different developing stages and a few of them are on the market already. The nanofood market is expected to surge from 2.6 bn. US dollars today to 7.0 bn. US dollars in 2015 and to 20.4 bn. US dollars in 2020. More than 1200 Companies around the world are today active in research and development. USA is the leader followed by Japan and China. By 2020 Asian with more than 30 percent of the worldpopulation will be the biggest market for Nanofood with the leading of China.
On the one side, further breakthroughs in crop DNA decoding and analysing enable the industries to predict, control and improve the agricultural production. On the other side, with technology of manipulating the molecules and the atoms of food, the future food industry has a powerful method to design food with much more capability and precision, lower costs and sustainability.
Meanwhile, the combination of DNA and nanotechnology research generates the new nutrition delivery system, which brings the active agents more precisely and efficiently to the wanted parts of the human bodies and cells. Functional food will benefit firstly from the new technologies, followed by standard food, nutraceuticals and others.
Some companies are already aware of the impact of nanotechnology in food industry. Research facilities are established, potential applications are under study, whereas only a handful of nano food products are market available now. Nevertheless, the tremendous potential will attract more and more competitors into this still unploughed field. The number of the companies involved in this field will increase from 69 in 2002 to 2004 and to several thousands by 2010.
Who is afraid of Nanotechnology in Food ?
Molecular technologies are disruptive technologies and change the conventional production faster than most scientists expect .. It can make the products cheaper, the production more efficient , more safe and more sustainable using less water and chemicals. Producing less waste and using less energy. The impact for the food industry will be a change of 40 to 60 percent by 2015. The change is dramatic, the potentials are immense and the risks too. The main source of increasing the speed for these technologies within the next years are climate change, cost efficiency and population growth. But also new applications using food as drugs and nutrition.
2. Experiences and Development of HKC
In 1989, 1990, 1995 and the following years HKC published studies regarding microsystem technology and micro electronics.
Since 1980, life science, pharma, food, bioinformatic, information, environmental technology and environmental protection, energy and renewable energy, biotechnology and brain science, neural technologies, medicine technology and water, drinking water and waste water are central fields of our work and competence. In February 2001, and ( published the first study worldwide about convergence of nanotechnololgy-biotechnology-information-neural technology. (Converging nano-bio-info-neural-technologies 2015). The study is more comprehensive than the one restricted to cogno (cognitive science) published by US institutes in the summer of 2002. The studies come to comparable results:
The converging nano-bio-neural (cogno) and information will be the overall revolution in the 21st century. It will open new windows for human beings, new developments and innovations change the society and human beings will live with smaller footprints and realize sustainable developments. Neural technologies and the decoding of the brain-function, DNA-based technologies and processes will determine the Molecular Future.
The DNA is the information and has the instructions for every cell. The cell is the basic and prototype for nanotechnology. The RNA's are the components for the interactions. This opens a new understanding of human being and functions, and the 'Molecular Nature'. A new window is opened.
From that general study, we choose some most promising segments and elaborate studies such as "Instruments and Tools for Nanotechnology 2003-2006-2010-2015", "Nanotechnology in Life Science Industries 2003-2006-2010-2015" and now "Nanotechnology in Food and Food Processing Industry 2003-2006-2010-2015". They focus on the impacts and applications of nanotechnology in the different fields, scientifically examine, collect and evaluate all companies, markets, branches, applications, developments, state of science and expected developments worldwide, and provide prognoses for the next 15 years.
This study is finished. It will be updated annually and where it is necessary for research will be a constant update.
3. Structure of the Study/Time Schedule
The total study is divided into several segments which can be obtained separately.
All parts or segments include: Summary, state of science and developments 2002, 2003, 2006, 2010, 2015 and prospects, companies, competition, branches, applications and products according to countries, regions, worldwide, in turnover, volume and potential.
Markets and branches, applications and countries can also be obtained separately.
4. Aims and Benefits of the Study
Aim of the study is the analysis of the global markets and developments, research and development, the companies, organizations, branches and products. The years 2006 is the basis, as well as the further development in 2008, 2010 and 2015, and prospects for the following years.
The study shows turnover, volume, potentials, product fields and products, applications, competition, companies, countries, regions worldwide, profit potentials, value chains, research expenditures, investments, factors of success, strategies, and opportunities & risks. A separate evaluation and representation is made for the stocks, including an evaluation of companies and prognosis for the stock markets in the US, Japan, China, Germany and Europe.
The strategies of countries are evaluated with expenditures, markets and potential of employment and their opportunities and risks for the next years and decades.
The study is suitable to check the state of research and development, derive innovations, check and compare the state of competitors, and develop own strategies. This applies to companies, institutes, organizations, investors and countries or states respectively.
5. Table of Contents
Management Summary
II. Overview of Nanotechnology Today
(1) Nanotechnology basic
(2) State of science
(3) Research
(4) Worldwide R&D investment in nanotechnology from 2003 to 2006 by regions
III. Overview of Nanotechnology for Life Industries Worldwide 2008-2010-2015
(1) Nanotechnology markets for life industries worldwide by segments 2008-2010-2015
(2) Nanotechnology development in life extension, key technologies and social activities
(3) Key developments in nanotechnology for life industries
Nanotechnology for Food Industry Worldwide 2008-2010-2015

General Development of the Food and Food Processing Industries through Nano and Nanobio worldwide
A. Overview of food industry worldwide 2008-2010-2015
B. Markets for standard food worldwide by regions 2008-2010-2015
C. Markets for nutrition, nutraceutical and dietary worldwide by regions 2008-2010-2015
D. State of science in food industry
E. All the related food technologies go to nanoscale
F. Macro-, micro-, nano-structure and food industry
G. Nanobiotechnology in food industry
1. Nanobiotechnology basic
2. The scope of applications of nanobiotechnology
3. Development of nanobiotech -- related field

Main Segments and Focuses for Food Processing and Applications

Food Safety and Quality Management

Environmental Technology

Information Technology/EDP

Technological Process Materials and Ingredients

(3) Market and Products

A. Markets for nanofood industries 2015 worldwide by segments
B. Markets for food industries worldwide by segments 2008-2010-2015
C. Synergic development of food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries

D. Application of Nanotechnology in Food Industry by Products
Standard Food, Nutrition, Nutraceuticals & Cosmeceuticals, Food Supplements,
Functional Food, Dietary

E. Application of nanotechnology in food industry by fields of Usage

4. In Food Flavor & Color Improvement

F. Application of Nanotechnology in Food Industry by Technology
b. Synthesizing
c. Function Designing
d. Other Molecular Matrix

d. Others and New Technologies

4. Processing Technologies

d. Nanodevice and Nanomachine

e. Others and New Technologies
G. Development of the technologies and the applications 2008-2010-2015
(4) Value chain and value added points of Nanotechnology in Food Industry
V. Legal and ethical barriers and controversies in different country
VI. Advantage analysis
(1) Value advantage for producers
(2) Value advantage for consumers
VII. Market by countries and regions
USA, Japan, China, Germany, and all European Countries, all Asian Countries, all NAFTA and the rest of the World
VIIII. Competition

(1). Major companies and competitiors
(2). Topics and research interests of major competitors
(3) Cromparison of companies in different segments and regions for nanotechnology and nano-bio-info.
IX. Strategy for development in nano-food Segment

(1). Success factors of the application of nanotechnology in food industry

(2) Chances and Risks

(3). Marketing and Technology Strategies in the nanofood segment
X. Examples of nanotechnology application and products in food industry
Appendix. Explanations of technologies and more applications of nanofood products.
6. Analysis and Evaluation/Report Forms/Languages
The study is available as download, hardbound book or other forms.
The study is available as follows:
- Total study
- Parts of the study
- Study plus presentation
- Lecture and workshops
- Analysis of competition and branch analysis
- Innovation studies and exclusive studies and Consulting/Innovation workshops
- Diversification study and consulting
- Investment guide
- Update every 3 months according to standard criteria or criteria agreed upon
- Consulting/Support/Marketing/Financing/Investment consulting

- Special Service: Fast online service based on specific questions and requirements
Languages : English/Chinese/German, other languages by request.
The prices of the study are listed in the reply form attached. For the other items, your request is welcome. For further information and offers, please contact us.
Helmut Kaiser Consultancy ,
Sigwartstrasse 20 ,
D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany
Fax: 0049 07071 68086
Phone: 0049 07071 67001
7. Updating and Adjustment
New developments, markets, companies, stocks, technologies, research and applications and all relevant data and information can be delivered every three months.
The study is also adjusted every three months and all parts and contents are extended.
Exclusive tasks and questions can be added.
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