Strong increase in nanofood and molecular food markets in 2008 worldwide
400 Companies worldwide in Research and Development and Production using nanotechnologies and molecular science in food, foodprocessing and packaging.
The most up-to-date market development, research and strategies for the application of nanotechnology in food and food packaging industries worldwide
Designing and producing food by shaping molecules and atoms is the future of the foodindustry worldwide.
On the one side, further breakthroughs in crop DNA decoding and analysing enable the industries to predict, control and improve the agricultural production. On the other side, with technology of manipulating the molecules and the atoms of food, the future food industry has a powerful method to design food with much more capability and precision, lower costs and sustainability.
Meanwhile, the combination of DNA and nanotechnology research generates the new nutrition delivery system, which brings the active agents more precisely and efficiently to the wanted parts of the human bodies and cells. Functional food will benefit firstly from the new technologies, followed by standard food, nutraceuticals and others.
During last three years, food industries have witnessed that the nanotechnoloy has been really integrated in a number of food and food packaging products. There are now over 300 nanofood products available on the market worldwide. These exciting achievements have encouraged a large increase of R&D investments in nanofood. Today, the nanotechnology is no longer an empty buzzword, but an indispensable reality in the food industry.
Any food company who wants keep its leadership in food industries must begin to work with nanotechnology right now. The impact of nanotechnology is huge, ranging from basic food to food processing, from nutrition delivery to intelligent packaging. It is estimated that the nanotechnology and nano-bio-info convergence will influence over 40% of the food industries up to 2015. The risk for the food companies lies in NOT entering the nanotechnology, but entering too late.
The nanofood market has been soaring from 2.6 bn. US dollars 2003 to 5.3 bn. US dollars in 2005 and is expected to reach 20.4 bn. US dollars in 2010. Nano-featured food packaging market will grow from US$ 1.1 bn. 2005 to US$ 3.7 bn up to 2010. More than 400 Companies around the world are today active in research and development and production.. USA is the leader followed by Japan and China. By 2010 Asia, with more than 50 percent of the world population, will become the biggest market for the Nanofood, with China in the leading position.
Nano Food and Food Packaging Conference Invitation in : New York, London, Zurich, Beijing, Berlin, Paris, Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong
Helmut Kaiser Consultancy, for over 20 years a leading researcher and strategist for companies and ministries in future technology markets worldwide, has been tracking the development of nanofood markets since 1999. We will give a business briefing for 2008. Audience invited are all companies, ministries and media/press. The briefing presentation will take 7 hours. There are limited places free for the media and ministries. The cost for the participation and briefing documents, about 350 pages, is 895 Euro or equivalent currency in Dollar or RMB.
Contents of the presentation and documents:
1. World markets for nanofood market 2008, development 2009,2010 up to 2015 by regions/countries, by sectors and by technologies.
2. World markets for nano-featured food packaging market 2008, development 2009,2010 up to 2015 by regions/countries and by sectors.
3. Segments of Applications of Nanotechnology in Food Industry by field of usage - Nanotechnology in Food Production
- Nanotechnology in Food Processing
- Nanotechnology in Food Preservation
- Nanotechnology in Food Flavour and Colour Improvement
- Nanotechnology in Food Safety
- Nanotechnology in Food Packaging
Each segment include state 2008, development of the technologies and the applications 2008-2010-2015 we show applications in picture and graphics too.
4. Trends and Developments in nanofood, molecular food, molecular gastronomy
5. Value Chain and Value Added Points of Nanotechnology in Food Industry
6. Advantage Analysis for Manufacturers and Consumers
7. Success Factors of the Application of Nanotechnology in Food Industry
8. Chances and Risks
9. The Market and Technology Strategies in the Nanofood Industries
10. Legal and Ethical Barriers and Controversies
11. Market Competition, Comparison of Products and Research Programs of Major Competitors
12. Application of Nanotechnology and Nano-bio-info convergence in NASA Food Project
13. Illustration and samples of over 300 nano food and food packaging products available on market
Including nutrition delivery, nano particles, coatings, sensors and chips, nano materials etc.
The conferences schedule from 9 am to 4 pm : Dates for 2009/2010 to follow
20. December 2009

New York
15. February 2010 

20. Juni 2010 Zurich
How to register for this conference:
Just send a email or fax with the number of people you want to attend.
The first person is 895 Euro or equivalent in Dollar or RMB and the second and all others 450 Euro, including conference documentation, with over 350 pages. The Conference Book is 590 euro without attending at the conference.
For the early registration, 6 weeks before the conference is a discount granted of 20 percent.
Become a SPONSOR…we will present your products, developments, ideas and service to several thousand companies, ministries and research institutes for a small fee.
The Conference attendance receive a discount of 25% of all Studies until four week after the Conference.
We will send you the bank-account and the location .for the conference after your registration.
Responsible for this:
Helmut Kaiser consultancy,, Sigwartstr 20, 72076 Tuebingen, Germany;
fax 0049 7071 68086 and the telephone 0049 7071 67001 and email
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is a leading research and consulting company
specialised in new technologies
since 1980.
we provide assistance and consultancy in the
commercialisation process of nanotechnologies
and nano-bio-cogno-info.
and have a study about nanotechnology commercialisation